“Slow Down Day”

An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) are urging motorists to reduce their speed and be mindful of vulnerable road users ahead of ‘Slow Down Day’, a national speed enforcement operation for a 24-hour period on 7am, Thursday (21st October) to 7am on Friday (22nd October 2021).  The overall objective of “Slow Down Day” is to reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on Ireland’s roads. International …

Covid 19 impacting our roads

The COVID-19 pandemic has been akin to a car crash for the UK’s health and economy. But collateral damage caused by the virus has also had an impact on other areas of people’s lives.  As many people embraced staying at home, many cars were left to languish on driveways. But since social gatherings, offices, and …

Motorists urged to get a grip on Tyre Safety Day

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), An Garda Síochána and the Irish Tyre Industry Association (ITIA), have teamed up for ‘Tyre Safety Day’ on Wednesday 6 October, during Irish Road Safety Week, to remind all road users to check their tyres to ensure they are roadworthy. Motorists are being encouraged to visit any ITIA dealer nationwide …

Wild animal collision advice

The coming weeks will see a significant rise in the risk of collisions with deer and other wild animals, warns road safety organisation GEM Motoring Assist. This is the rutting season, which makes deer more likely to be on the roads. Figures from the Deer Initiative indicate that between 42,000 and 74,000 deer are involved …

‘Make Way Day’ marked with new campaign

 The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána are supporting the Disability Federation of Ireland’s ‘Make Way Day’ on Friday 24 September with an illegal parking on footpaths and cycle lanes campaign. The campaign reminds drivers that parking on footpaths and blocking cycle lanes is an offence and poses a road safety risk to …

Conference calls and their effect on driving

Road safety professionals are calling for motorists to keep online meetings out of their cars. Imagine that you’re driving, you’re bored and tired of staring at the road, your eyes drift toward the polished touchscreen to the left of your steering wheel. First you scroll through its menus to select a music playlist; then you …