E-scooters: A road safety concern

In recent months, E-scooters have become increasingly common with many people looking for alternatives to public transport.
In recent months, E-scooters have become increasingly common with many people looking for alternatives to public transport.
Road safety officials have warned that meet-ups, reminiscent of scenes from Hollywood film franchise Fast and Furious, have soared in popularity since the first lockdown, with lives said to be at risk.
A €200m upgrade on a section of road between Farranfore and Killarney will greatly improve road safety but could have a severe impact on two outdoor amenities in Kerry.
Motorists who drive too slowly without considering other road users may be contributing to collisions and casualties, according to a road safety expert in Co. Mayo.
Van-drivers and tradespeople are being encouraged to carry out regular safety checks on their vehicle to ensure its roadworthy.